Friday, August 07, 2009

It's almost that time....

Gencon. Everything possible seems to be happening to keep us from Indianapolis, or me, at any rate. Is it a sign? Or maybe it's a sign I should get the hell out of Louisiana....

In June, I went into the hospital a couple of times, and yesterday my doctor sent me to the ER again, this time for a heart scare. (I tried to explain that I don't have one, but they never listen.) When we finally got home, I promptly fell down the steps. More accurately, Sabine yanked me down, but that leads into a whole other story about the dog and I and the steps, so we won't go there.

Anyway, now i have more pills, and a nasty scrape on my shin that's
shaped vaguely like Chile. Allan has threatened to have me a suit made of bubble wrap lined with pain meds, and I'm starting to think that's a dandy idea.

Off to think of more things to pack....

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