Monday, July 06, 2009

I need a hobby...

Again...obviously...this is not Allan posting.

Allan has hobbies up the wazoo. Since I haven't been working, most of my time has been spent in the hospital, recovering, or limping around the apartment wishing I felt like doing something. With the exceptions of the times that Allan and Logan are here, I feel like a lump, and I'm bored with a giant capital B. I've read until my eye sockets are bleeding, and I can no longer think about anything about which I want to read. This will sound odd coming from a resident of a miniature Library of Congress, but there's nothing here to read. War in whatever period of history is simply not my thing. And I like gaming, but browsing the minutiae turns my brain to mush (not that it has far to go these days).

So. Today I vacuumed and made a pot of soup...and now I'm exhausted. Sad, because as I told Allan, it's not as though I went out and harvested ingredients. I opened a box, a bag, and a few cans, then I went and laid on the couch like I'd conquered a small peak.

Any ideas? Correction--ideas for something to do that don't involve housework. I love to cook, but the rest of And yes, I can hear the dustbunnies snickering at me from beneath the desk, but they can just bite me.

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